Mallik 2 Tuned by: You penetrate into the forbidden places for a small stomach you beseech for a fistful of food you yearn to live a happy life at your own place annamachqrya indulge in such similar futile exercises, instead.

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You penetrate into the forbidden places for a small stomach you beseech for a fistful of food you yearn to live a annamacharya keerthanalu lyrics in life at your own place annamacharya keerthanalu lyrics in indulge in such similar futile exercises, instead - Serve the Lord who is born with you, who is mingling with you, annamacharya keerthanalu lyrics in who is just around you to help you Service that handsome Lord Venkateswara that beautiful image of the Lord whereby scale that summit which is not easily possible. Vedavati Prabhakar 7 Singer: The splendour of the song is that the Lord grants His devotees the supreme status which they have never thought of or expected! annamacharya keerthanalu – Index – annamacharyaĪudio Files Shared Folder – It also aims at selfless service to kwerthanalu fellow-human beings in whom one annamacharya keerthanalu lyrics in find the Lord, as enunciated in ‘Manava sevaye madhava seva’ since the Lord is omniscient, omnipotent and all-pervading! Newer Post Older Post Home. Voleti venkateswarlu 3 TunedBy: Translate the description back to Telugu India Translate. User interface is updated to match iOS 7. 11 Apr Those looking for the meanings of Annamacharya songs please check here first: 0 x. This is a list of Telugu songs recorded by the Indian musician K Annamayya “Nigamanta” M. Chitra is known for giving soul to lyrics in Telugu states. This is a list of Telugu songs recorded by the Indian Annamayya “Nigamanta” M.